Licence Holders
Our services are used by leading providers, platforms, technology suppliers and advisers across the industry.
You can browse our licence holders list below to see which organisations use our Standards and Governance services.
Name Sort descending | Company Type |
Morgan Lloyd | Financial adviser or other intermediary |
Mortgage Brain | Technology supplier |
Mortgagekey | Financial adviser or other intermediary |
Mosaac | Financial adviser or other intermediary |
Munnypot | Technology supplier |
NEST | Product provider, lender or platform |
NFU Mutual | Product provider, lender or platform |
Ningi | Technology supplier |
Novia | Other |
Nucleus | Product provider, lender or platform |
OCS Consulting | Technology supplier |
On-Line Partnership | Financial adviser or other intermediary |
One Family | Product provider, lender or platform |
OpenText | Technology supplier |
Openwork | Financial adviser or other intermediary |
Origo | Technology supplier |
Parmenion | Product provider, lender or platform |
Penfold | Product provider, lender or platform |
Penny Technology | Pension scheme |
Pension Lab | Technology supplier |