Governance update

Process and Standards Group (PSG)

The annual project prioritisation exercise has been launched with the PSG. The group is asked to prioritise a number of potential projects, with returns due by mid-July. We will produce an analysis of those returns to be discussed at the group’s mid-August meeting.

More detail can be found here.

Standards Technical Architecture Group (STAG)

Criterion will continue to liaise with the STAG on the technical direction of Standards, and how the emergence and adoption of new technologies will shape their future.

There have been no recent meetings with the group and no further meetings are planned.

Standards projects

Occupation Codes List Update

Update Implementation Group

An issue was highlighted caused by differing capitalisations between the V3.1 Customer list and the Version 2.0 Occupations that appear in the V3.1 Combined list.  These changes have been published.

Future Milestones - Q3 2023

  • A further meeting will be arranged for November 2023 to review current development plans.

Group Risk Quotes and Placement

Project to develop Standards for Group Risk Quotes (GRQ); similar Re-Pricing and Rate Review processes; and Placement.

The GRQ Standards technical development to deliver JSON and OpenAPI Standards for GLA for New Business, Rate Review and Re-Pricing has begun with the Draft A Standards expected to be published in Q4 2023. 

Some analysis for the Placement process has been carried out internally and a workshop took place with the Working Group.

Future Milestones - October

  • Continue technical development of the GRQ Standards for GLA New Provider, Rate Review and Repricing for Request and Response;
  • Continue analysis for GRQ Placement for GLA;
  • Arrange further workshop to discuss updated Placement Process diagram with Working Group;
  • A Domain Model is also being developed to identify Data Groupings which will also be discussed with the Working Group.

Protection Policy Retention

Develop standards supporting communication to advisers and other distributors of events in relation to protection policies that might put at risk continuing cover.


  • Working Group meeting to review outcomes from Events questionnaire and agree event scope.
  • Commenced development of Business Requirements Document for review by Working Group.

Future Milestone - October

  • Continue to develop Business Requirements Document for review by Working Group.

BAU Change Requests

Ongoing activity in relation to maintenance of current Standards via change management process.


  • No further comments received from PSG re updated Publication and Change Policy, therefore Criterion will seek approval for the revised policy at the PSG meeting in November;
  • Detailed Budget 2023 impact analysis continues, brief one-to-one discussions with PSG members to help understand wider industry activity commenced;
  • Activity commenced on 2 Mid Term Accounting CRs for publication in Group Risk Mid Term Accounting v1.1.

Future Milestone - October

  • Publish Group Risk Mid Term Accounting v1.1;
  • Continue with detailed impact analysis of potential Budget 2023 changes..

Standards published since last update

  • None.